Herbal Water Spray Lavender 120ml
If you suffer from acne or just don?t have the skin you wish you had, lavender water is great for clearing up any breakouts and balancing out your skin type.The easiest way is to spray your scalp and skin with a few mists. ; DIRECTIONS Soak a cotton ball with the lavender water and apply it on the blemished skin and liberally over ripe acne. Keep it overnight and wash off in the morning. Follow this every night for quick results. If you have severe acne, use lavender water as face mist throughout the day. To make the treatment strong, you may also add few drops of lavender essential oil and tea tree essential oil in the face mist.
Rs 175
Rs 1,000
Rs 1,415
Sold By: Hemani
HERBAL INFUSED BEAUTY Compact Powder 225 Milky Cool
Brand:WB by HEMANISold By: HemaniRs 1,370 -
Rs 875
Rs 455