Milligold is the smallest fraction of 24 Karat 999.9 pure Gold e.g. 1 Milligram, presented to save gold with smallest value as a Target Purchase Product.
MilliGold Bars are made available in different denominations e.g. 10 MG, 20 MG, 50, MG, 100 MG, 250 MG and 500 MG.
On spot redemption is made only in given denomination or multiple of given denomination in clause 2. Any redemption above this weight can only be delivered post confirmed order to the given address. However, the customer can also collect his order from the agreed outlets.
Customer can redeem only upto 500 MG from one location in a day, any additional inventory will be delivered to the given address provided full payment has been made in advance. Invariably, the customer can also collect such order from any agreed location of ARY Sahulat.
The address of customer will be confirmed by the courier, any out of service areas will not be delivered and customers will be informed accordingly. ARY Sahulat will not accept any responsibility of delay in delivery due to unforeseen and beyond control circumstances.
Cancellation due to non-deliverable orders, the customer would be refunded equal to the paid value. The customer will not be passed any value incurred due to appreciation or depreciation in gold price during this course.
Redemption can only be made in the given or multiple of given denominations in clause 2.
As a product it is available for sale on prefixed floating price, which is not directly attached with bullion price with Gold Market. However, prices is guided from London PM Fixing.
ARY offers this product through its authorized counters at e-shops, outlets, partner outlets and Business Alliances.
MilliGold is a proprietary product of ARY and can only be purchased in any denomination at prevalent price
MilliGold can be purchased from the authorized counters of ARY as product against cash or realized instrument as well as purchase and save in wallet mode in any denomination.
However, redemption can only be made in aforesaid given denominations in one or multiple bars.
At redemption, making and wastage charges are applicable on each bar independently as per prevailing schedule of charge.
In case of home delivery, logistics, dispatch and courier charges are also applicable.
For customer’s own convenience, it is advised to do not purchase MilliGold Bars from any individual or non-authorized individual, outlets, entities or counters.
Gold bars can be sold back to ARY Jewelers or exchanged with other denominations. Standard price factors and terms and conditions of buy back or exchange will be applicable.
For any purchase in Wallet, the customer has to receive a physical receipt from the counter as well as a confirmatory SMS is to be ensured. ARY does not accept cash without a physical and SMS alerts.
The valid receipt carries inscription “Customer Copy”. Merchant Copy or Draw Coupon copy are not valid receipts and ARY is not obliged to pay any claim against them.
Verify the paid amount on receipt and/or SMS at the time of transaction. No claim would be accepted after leaving the counter.
MilliGold Bar is a bearer product and it can only be traded by the beholder of the product.
At sale of MilliGold Bar, no value will be accounted for against any Making, Wastage, Courier or any other charges.
Sale of MilliGold Bar from customer to Jewelers will take place after redemption with all its terms and conditions and from this point ARY Sahulat arrangement with the customer about MilliGold Bar will be terminated. Sale of MilliGold Bar to the Jeweler will be executed between Customer and Jewelers and governed by the all market norms and spot rates at the time to transactions.
Gold Bars above 500 grams are categorized as Milliat Bars, Gold Gift Bars and/or ARY Gold Sentiments are to be ordered in advance and delivery either from counters or doorstep would be made from 3 to 7 workdays.
ARY accepts such orders only at its official channels including Call Center 021 – 111 000 162, through an online web order at or ARY Sahulat Mobile application or at counters of ARY Jewelers. ARY does not take order from any other channel and does not stand responsible for any other dealing.
All orders will be deemed confirmed on the day of payment realization and Gold bars will be available for redemption in 5 to 7 days from the order confirmation.
Gold bars can be picked from the ARY Jewelers counters in different cities or the same can be dispatched on the cost of customer. Doorstep delivery time can vary from location to location.
Customers who are getting their redemption from ARY Jewelers counters need to arrange their safe logistics arrangements on their own cost and risks.
Customer is responsible to safekeep the receipts of ARY Gold bars and has to present at the time of reselling the same to ARY Jewelers. In addition, ARY is not responsible to reproduce the sales record to customer or on behalf of customer.
ARY is not responsible to update, advise, accrue and/or pay taxes applicable to customer associated with the gold value. However, any taxes deductible as per law at the sales are to be deducted and deposited on behalf of customer.
ARY products like “Gold Gift Bars” and “ARY Gold Sentiments” are gift packs and not categorized as deal of a gold sale. These products are produced with standard 999.9 pure ARY Gold. The price of these products can vary to the spot market rate of Gold due to multiple cost variants added to produce such products.
At reselling of Gold Gift Bars, ARY Gold Sentiments and/or any form of Gold products, cost charged described separately or not, in lieu with making, wastage, packing, logistics, taxes and any other costs other than gold are not refundable.