- Sahulat is a loyalty relationship product with reloadable wallet features and offers specific services and benefits for consumer purchases at Sahulat Business Alliances and/or online shopping at Sahulat Bazar etc.
- All adult individuals having a valid CNIC, Phone number and minimum 18 years of age are entitled to participate in Sahulat product.
- The Sahulat products e.g. Card, Wallet, Comiti and other products are offered to only adult individuals only. Non-individual entity i.e. business, corporate, Trust etc are not entitled for membership.
- A member can accumulate ARY Coins upto his desired value.
- ARY Coins can only be redeemed against Diamond Jewelry from ARY Jewelers or against only specified products that may be conveyed time to time. Such redemption can also be exercised through ARY Sahulat bazar as online transaction.
- ARY Coins have a validity of 18 months since the day these are created and credited in account. Expiry of ARY Coins can be informed at least 30 days prior to its validity.
- Expired ARY Coins cannot be revalidated or reinstated once the validity or after expiry notice.
- ARY Coins are not value as Top-up and cannot be spent for general shopping.
- ARY Coins are not transferable to other Sahulat Member for any reason whatsoever. However, these can only be transferred to a new members in shape of ARY Gift Card.
- ARY Sahulat reserves the sole right to declare the prices of the goods which can be redeemed against ARY Coins.
- An pre-declared processing fee for redemption will be charged against redemption transaction.
- ARY Sahulat has the right to claim any uncollected dues, charges, Fee or debit from the Top-up value of the customer with his consents prior to allowing for redemption.
- ARY Sahulat offers transactions through Sahulat Card, without Card or with use of Mobile Application Interchangeably. Members should opt using any instrument by understanding and acceptance of the risks and rewards of associated with use of each instrument.
- Securing the confidential transactional protocols e.g. PINs, Passwords and or physical card is responsibility of the member. Any transaction which records the use of these protocols is deemed as mandated by the member and no subsequent claim will be accepted.
- ARY Sahulat wallet, card, mobile app are not transferable to any other individual.
- ARY Sahulat uses the member’s mobile number as Sahulat wallet number in its platform. It is responsibility of the customer to inform ARY Sahulat timely if the SIM, Mobile number is transferred, closed or any other material changes occur in details associated with Sahulat Wallet.
- Amount topped up in Sahulat is called Top-up Value, which can be spent for payment of any shopping at business alliances. This payment earns loyalty points earned as value back which are called ARY Coins which can only be redeemed against specified products e.g. Diamond Jewelry in any metal of Gold or Silver or making charges of Gold bars or Jewelry. Brand Loyalty Club is an extended relationship of Member and any amount paid in Dollar Deal is a kind of Top-up which can only be spent over specified brand products unlike general shopping.
- ARY reserves the right to offer promotional value back to the customers with any rate or frequency with its sole discretion. Promotional value back can be used as ARY Coins as narrated above.
- Other benefits like participation in Jeeto Pakistan or any other game shows or rewards are not residual benefits of ARY Sahulat. These must be deemed as promotional benefits and ARY Sahulat can offer or discontinue the same at is sole discretion.
- Comiti isclassified as a Target Purchase product and shall not beconsidered a saving account.
- The Comiti has a standard Term / Tenor of 20 months with a standard contribution of PKR 5,000. However, the product is flexible for Tenor and contrition.
- A customer can go beyond 20 months and can pay a minimum contribution of PKR 1,000 unless specified otherwise to ensure his presence for the monthly contribution.
- ARY Sahulat reserves the right to charge an account maintaining fee @ PKR 50 per month for each month, where a member does not pay even minimum contribution in the Comiti. Such service charge will be declared time to time and information is updated on Sahulat e-shop or Sahulat Bazar web site.
- ARY Sahulat offers an optional lucky draw feature of the Comiti for the standard maturity proceeds i.e. PKR 100,000 at a fixed frequency. Lucky draw feature is not a regular product feature.
- Such frequency of lucky draw will be announced time to time and it is deemed as pure discretion of ARY Sahulat to cease the lucky draws any time without any notice or obligation.
- The successful members in lucky draw will be declared exempt from rest contributions.
- The lucky draw proceeds will be determined as “contribution payment performance percentage” presented by the member. Such performance will be determined as total amount paid in number of months from Comiti start date divided by total standard amount in Comiti @ PKR 5,000 per month. The lucky draw proceeds i.e. PKR 100,000 will be multiplied with the percentage of Contribution Payment Performance.
- The entitle of inclusion in Lucky draw is conditional with.
- From the maturity proceeds or lucky draw proceeds the member can only purchase pre-determined items specified in the product time to time.
- The member can pay higher price of the specified item if it is higher than the maturity proceed or lucky draw proceeds.
- The member can utilize the funds from his comiti as the cash value crosses PKR 50,000 or as advised otherwise in full during the term of the comiti. Such amount will be levied from the cash value and the maturity proceeds will be reduced accordingly.
- The member is allowed to spend partial cash value during the term of the comiti only against the specified products offered against comiti.
- ARY Sahulat reserves the right to revise the product pricing without further notice based on inflation and other business factors. Such change can take place even during the currency of the comiti being an independent factor.
- ARY Sahulat transmits SMS Alerts against different transactions, which are deemed as electronic receipts of transaction. Customer can request a physical transaction receipt from ARY Sahulat e-shops only.
- The member must ensure delivery of electronic or physical receipt for all transaction to avoid any financial loss. ARY Sahualt is not responsible for any transaction, where the customer does not present either electronic or physical receipt of the transaction.
- ARY Sahulat does not appreciate immature breaking of the Comiti before completion of the term or attaining to maturity value. However, in any unforeseen and unavoidable situations, the Member can opt and receive any other product upto the accumulated cash value in the Sahulat Account. Cash withdrawal from Sahulat account is not possible.
- ARY Sahulat reserves the right to share your contact details for cross product selling of our Business Alliances.
- In SonaComiti, a fractional gold is accumulated in the member’s account instead of value. Such gold is purchased at a spot market price of the day comiti contribution value is realized to ARY Sahulat.
- There is no upper capping on continuing the comiti to any higher limits and is on the sole discretion of the member.
- The Memberbecomes eligible to take over the Gold after reaching to the minimum disbursable denomination e.g. 1 Gram. The disbursable denomination can be changed if the market trading rules/practicefor the minimum denomination are changed.
- Accumulated Gold in Sona Comiti is delivered from only ARY Jewelers in form of 23.99 Carat Gold Coins, Biscuits, Bars and/or Jewelry. Standard Gold Coin, Bar or jewelry making charges prevalent at the time of doing this transaction will be applicable.
- Cities where ARY Jewelers does not exist, the member can place online order for delivery or call our customer services (021) 111-000-162 for assistance.
- If the products, for example Bike, optedfrom the brands and model offered at the time of starting Comiti may not be available at maturity, the member has to choose from available make, model and brands similar to the offered product. Any price difference has to be paid by the Member.
- There is nominimum period of funds accumulation, as the funds will reach to the specified product price, the member becomes eligible to receive his/her selecdted product.
- Taxes, Registration, Insurance, product accessories, performance, warranties, after sales serviceare not responsibility of ARY Sahulat and is not part of Comitiagreement. All facilities, guarantees are extended as offered by the manufacturer.
- Due to different business and market conditions, the delivery can be delayed which is not in the control of ARY Sahulat, hence ARY Sahulat cannot be held responsible for the delaysdue to such unforeseen situation.ARY Sahulat is not manufacturer of the product, hence in case of any variation in the quality and/or manufacturing fault in the product, the member should reportthe fact to the authorized service center of the manufacturer.ARY Sahulat is not responsible for any loss of assets or lives whatsoever associated directly or indirectly with the product whatsoever.
- ARY Sahulat offers different Umrah packages to the members at the time of joining which include Visa, Travel tickets, Housing, Ziarat and Transfers between Airport, Makkah and Madina. The package does not cover meals, refreshment, medical or any additional travel or expenses whatsoever. Such details will be provided by the partner Umarah Operators.
- The delivery of Umra service is directly subject to the laws implemented at the time of plan or amended at the time of arranging such Umra visit. ARY Sahulat is responsible to facilitate the customer to accumulate the funds and provide him the facility of Umara Operators with standard services. Ineligibility of the member due to legal framework is neither ARY Sahulat or its partner’s responsibility.
- In case of any ineligibility of a member, such service can be extended to an eligible individual nominated by the member and/or a replacement of product of equivalent value in the Comiti product menu.
- The Passport, vaccination and other documentary requirements are not the responsibility of ARY Sahulat.
- Female and young members must arrange their Mehram / senior companions and their travel arrangements at her own. ARY is not responsible to extend any service to the such companions unless a separate Comiti is arranged for them.
- ARY Sahulat monitor’s the service standards as per projected plans for a maximum satisfaction of members, however ARY Sahulat is not responsible for any variation in the services provided by the Umra Operators due to any business or operational reasons on ground.
- All ARY Sahulat affiliation as consumer or business alliance are subject to acceptance of prevailing Terms and Conditions available in product documents, promotions, letters and communications. These guidelines, terms and conditions are inclusive of all amendments and newly introduced terms time to time. Any contradiction in any aspect of the product or benefit feature should be decided by the ARY Sahulat at its sole discretion.